I love my DR!
The Designers Republic, el estudio que se encargó del diseño de mi querido Wipeout y uno de los más copiados en los últimos 10 años (todos esos iconcitos y fuentes tan modernas…)

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Snif, snif… un CTRL+C -> CTRL+V de la noticia, dá un poco de esperanza a este día tan negrol:
Anderson says that, in some ways, DR coming to an end may be a blessing in disguise. It hasn’t really been DR for the last two or three years: it had gone too far from what it was supposed to be. Although, he says, he was happy with the “insightful” work that DR had done for major clients such as Coca-Cola, moving into that world had necessitated changing the business to more of an agency model with the added structure of account handlers that entails.
“I want to go back to what DR was,” he says of future plans. “Working hands-on and not through account managers. I’ve never liked that agency model – it’s not where creativity lies.
I’m looking out the window and it’s a lovely sunny day – as it always is in Sheffield – and I think there are a lot of plus points. The Republic is dead… long live the Republic.
( Y,Y) acabo de enchufar mi PS3… para volver a jugar al WIP3OUT.