
Picture Yoshino
With pink petals floating in the air
I wanna go there

Train window facing east
And you’re always next to me
And I’m next to you
I’m next to you

Meet me in the Swiss countryside
I saw a picture of it today
And I wanna go before I die
Big oceans blue, I want to see all the views
Cause there’s so much to do
And I’m next to you
I’m next to you

Ooo I wanna see it with you
No stopping, too much to do
Always with you

Picture everything!
The world at our fingertips
And time for every trip
For all the things we wanna try before we die
Cause there’s so much to do
And I’m next to you
I’m next to you

Ooo I wanna see it with you
No stopping, too much to do
Always with you

We’re going everywhere!
Too much to do
Time with you stretches into the horizon
Breaks in two, let it bend
And see that anything could happen
What to do?
Time with you stretches into the horizo
Breaks in two, let it bend
And see that anything could happen


Blur (Optimized)

Ha ha ha ha no le pasa nada a su monitor, el primer loli-update del 2016 viene blurreao!

Update Lolin’ UNITY.

  • Añadido los barriles (pero todavía no hay niveles con ellos).
  • Añadidas las gallinitas y los truchotes.
  • Ya hay pausa para el inventario! Ahora falta meter el inventario. Se activa al dejar pulsada la barra espaciadora.
  • Un millón de bugs aniquilados (bueno tal vez menos… un par).

Lo más importante, es que he vuelto a ponerme con el Unity, así que ya podéis ir blurreando a Lolin’ por AQUÍ