The Knife

Más música de Amstrad/Spectrum para quién le interese, para el resto por favor ahorrense los comentarios originales.

The Knife – Marble House (LIVE ft. Jay Jay Johansson)

I cut your nails
And comb your hair
I carry you
Down the stairs

I wanted to see right through
From the other side
I wanted to walk a trip
With no end in sight

The moment we believe that we have never met
Another kind of love, it’s easy to forget
When we are all alone and waiting for some treat
We have a thing in common, this was meant to be

You close my eyes
And soothe my ears
You heal my wounds
And dry my tears

On the inside of this marble house
I grow
And the seeds I slow
Grow persistant too

The moment we believe that we have never met
Another kind of love, it’s easy to forget
When we are all alone and waiting for some treat
We have a thing in common, this was meant to be

That as we shoulder our
What is it’s name
What’s your sin
Say it again

As the ghost pass by
Can you still follow me?
It must be sane
When it’s on TV

I raise my hands to heaven for curiosity
I don’t know what to ask for
What has it got for me?
The eyes see how hideous this marble house can be
Somethings I do for money somethings I do for free


The Knife – Heartbeats

The Knife – Silent Shout

The Knife – Like a pen

The Knife – You make me like charity (Live)

The Knife – We Share Our Mother’s Health
AVISO: Este vídeo puede producir pesadillas en mentes no entrenadas…

Y este otro tema que desde ya lo nombro como HIMNO de Ximorama!

The Knife – You Take My Breath Away


The Knife – Pass This On