Born to an esteemed family, Inu-oh is afflicted with an ancient curse that has left him on the margins of society. When he meets the blind musician Tomona, a young biwa priest haunted by his past, Inu-oh discovers a captivating ability to dance.
Si vas a sacar un disco, pues que sea con un hitazo y si te dan los dollars en vez de rodar un videoclip te marcas un corto.
Androids desire nothing more than to experience real emotion. One series of android has been created in order to satisfy this thirst for entertainment. They trawl back alley clubs and venture into the wild ruins of the old city, with one simple task . . . to find new humans.
Loveo máximo para los jóvenes de Years & Years.
Amongst the android society of Palo Santo, humans have become a rare commodity. One android model is tasked with retrieving humans from the wild ruins, where they live. They are then taken into the city, for the purposes of entertainment.